
Genesis 13 God’s Faithfulness Through Our Failures: Lessons from Abram’s Journey

I. Introduction: Learning from Abram’s Journey A. Brief Recap of Genesis 12: Abram’s failure to trust God during the famine and his decision to go to Egypt. Highlight the consequences of relying on his own understanding rather than God’s guidance. Emphasize how these actions led to personal compromise and family tension. B. Transition to Genesis 13: Despite Abram’s failures, God remains faithful. God’s grace is not thwarted by human error; He continues His plan of redemption. II. Choosing Faith over Fear (Genesis 13:1-4) A. Returning to the Place of Worship: After leaving Egypt, Abram returns to Bethel, where he had previously built an altar. Discuss the significance of “returning” and how it symbolizes repentance and realignment with God’s will. B. Worship as a Response to God’s Deliverance: God delivers Abram and Sarai from Egypt, and Abram’s response is worship. The proper response to God’s mercy and grace is worship and gratitude, not guilt or shame. III. The Test

From Noah to Babel: Humanity's Legacy and Rebellion Sermon 9/15/2024

  Title: "From Noah to Babel: Humanity's Legacy and Rebellion" I. Introduction Recap of Previous Week's Sermon Focus on Noah's legacy: living a life that honors Jesus Christ. Emphasis on repentance and teaching our children to follow Christ wholeheartedly. Transition to Today’s Passage Moving from the end of Noah's life to the genealogies of his sons and the Tower of Babel. Importance of understanding our spiritual heritage and the consequences of pride and self-reliance. II. The Genealogy of Noah’s Sons (Genesis 10) A. Overview of Chapter 10 (30,000 ft view) Explanation of the "Table of Nations." Importance of this genealogy: humanity's roots trace back to this moment. God's faithfulness in preserving Noah's family and, through them, the human race. B. Specific Lineages 1. The Sons of Japheth (Verses 2-5) Overview of their descendants and their spread across the earth. 2. The Sons of Ham (Verses 6-13) Focus on Nimrod: A mighty hunter and

The Reality of Sin and the Call to Restoration

  Sermon Outline:  "The Reality of Sin and the Call to Restoration" I. Introduction: The Reality of Foolishness in Our Lives Acknowledge that everyone has made foolish decisions, even as followers of Christ. Transition into the study of Genesis, focusing on the aftermath of Noah and his family leaving the Ark. II. The Covenant of the Rainbow (Genesis 9:12-17) Recap of God's covenant with Noah: the promise never to flood the earth again. Significance of the rainbow as a symbol of this covenant, representing perfection and completion. III. Noah's Fall and Human Frailty (Genesis 9:20-21) Noah's transition to being a man of the soil, planting a vineyard. Noah's drunkenness and the reminder that even righteous people are susceptible to sin. Reference to 1 Corinthians 10:12 and the ongoing need for repentance and dependence on God's grace. IV. The Abuse of Grace and the Call to Holiness Discussion on the doctrine of "Once Saved, Always Saved" and the m

Sermon Outline: "The Covenant of Promise and the Call to Righteousness" 8/25/2024 -Sunday Sermon

  Sermon Outline: "The Covenant of Promise and the Call to Righteousness" Introduction: Recap of the previous sermon on Genesis 7 (The Flood and God's Judgment on Sin). Overview of Genesis 8: Transition from the floodwaters to the renewal of the earth. I. God's Judgment and Mercy (Genesis 8:1-5) The flood as a demonstration of God's power and hatred of sin. God's mercy shown through the preservation of Noah and his family. The gradual receding of the waters and the beginning of renewal. II. Noah's Obedience and God's Guidance (Genesis 8:6-14) Noah's actions in seeking dry land: sending out the raven and the dove. The dove’s return with the olive leaf, signaling hope and renewal. The importance of patience and reliance on God's timing. III. The New Beginning: Exiting the Ark (Genesis 8:15-19) God's command to Noah and his family to leave the ark. The call to repopulate and fill the earth with life once again. Noah’s immediate response in wor

Sermon Outline: God’s Provision and Protection in the Midst of Chaos (Genesis 7-8)

Sermon Outline: God’s Provision and Protection in the Midst of Chaos (Genesis 7-8) 1.  Introduction: Recap of last week: Noah's obedience in building the ark and gathering the animals as instructed by God. Theme: God's provision and protection for His people during times of chaos and judgment. 2.  Noah’s Righteousness and God’s Command: Genesis 7:1-5: Noah is found to be righteous among his generation. God commands Noah to enter the ark with his family and the animals. The significance of Noah’s righteousness in the midst of widespread wickedness. 3.  God’s Protective Care: Genesis 7:16: God shuts Noah and his family in the ark, symbolizing His sovereign protection. Richard Sibbes’ insight: God’s act of shutting the ark signifies His protective care and grace for His people. Application: God's care and provision for His children, even in times of great difficulty. 4.  The Global Flood: Genesis 7:11-12: The fountains of the deep burst forth, and rain falls for 40 days and 40

Sermon Outline: Genesis 6 & 7 - The Ark of Safety ( 8/11/2024 AM Service)

Sermon Outline: Genesis 6 - The Ark of Safety 8/11/2024 AM Service **We only were able to get audio for this sermon. 1.  Introduction: Continuation of the study through the Book of Genesis. Recap of last week's sermon: rampant wickedness on earth, fallen angels procreating with human women, and the resulting abomination in God's sight. Theme: The intentions of men's hearts were evil continually (Genesis 6:5-7). 2.  God's Grief Over Humanity: Verses 5-7: The Lord saw great wickedness and was grieved. God's decision to blot out man and other creatures due to their corruption. 3.  Noah's Favor with God: Verses 8-10: Amidst the wickedness, Noah found favor in God's eyes. Noah described as righteous, blameless, and walking with God. Application: Call to walk with God despite the wickedness around us. 4.  The State of Humanity: Verses 11-13: Earth's corruption and violence. God's determination to end all flesh due to this violence. Modern reflection: Human

Sermon Outline: The Patience of God and the Righteousness of Noah (Genesis 6:1-9) Sunday AM Sermon Notes 8/4/2024

     Sermon Outline: The Patience of God and the Righteousness of Noah (Genesis 6:1-9) Introduction Opening Remarks Introduction to the theme: God's patience and the call to righteousness. Brief overview of Genesis 6:1-9 and its context. Purpose: To understand God's long-suffering nature and our response to His patience. I. The Patience of God A. God's Long-Suffering Nature Definition of long-suffering (patience). 2 Peter 3:9: God's patience and desire for repentance. Psalm 103:8: God’s merciful and gracious character. B. Misinterpretation of God's Patience The danger of complacency in light of God's patience. 2 Peter 3:10-12: The certainty of judgment. C. God's Patience and Our Responsibility Romans 2:4-5: God's kindness is meant to lead to repentance. The urgency of repentance and living a holy life. II. The World Before the Flood A. Increasing Wickedness Genesis 6:1-4: The corruption and evil of humanity. Explanation of the "sons of God" and