Eight Things Used By Government To Take Over a Population.
The NorthField Podcast Network · Eight Things Used By Government To Take Over a Population I came across a sermon that shook me this week. Here is a quote from this sermon here: Back in 1932 a devout atheist by the name of Aldous Huxley wrote Brave New World . Brave New World was a dystopian novel that looked at the future and assumed that it wouldn’t be very long before the West was completely captive to totalitarianism—that is rule by a dominant force, where you have only two classes: the ruling class and all the people who are subjected to them. In Brave New World , he portrayed what life would be like. It was about seventeen years later that George Orwell, another devout atheist, wrote 1984 , another dystopian novel that looked at the future. And just examining those recently in my own thoughts, I drew out of those two pictures of totalitarianism in the future of the West, what are pretty amazing, prescient insights from a cou...