What We Need More Than Ever

We need each other more than ever.  This is not hyperbolic terminology, it's fact.  We as Christians need each other.  The community of faith, (actual BIBLICAL faith) is in need of each other.   I am watching as proper biblical doctrine is being flushed down the toilet in favor of this breed of me-centered feel-good theology, it's a weak theology that cannot stand up against the onslaught of tyranny and deception in the world today.  Weak theology and doctrine create weak churches that cannot stand in the day of trial.  When we have weak men standing in the pulpit and teaching weak theology the foundations crumble.  

The Lord Jesus Christ gave us an admonition to stand in these days.  

13 Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm. Eph 6:13 

We are called by God himself to stand up against evil in our own lives and in the community in which we live.    We are living in a day when persecution is coming for believers in America.  We need to spiritually and mentally prepare ourselves for this.  This means digging and going deep into God's word to find our solace and our comfort because a day of discomforts is quickly approaching, but I believe that God will provide for us what is needed to stand in these coming days.  

13 Therefore, preparing your minds for action,[b] and being sober-minded, set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ. 1 Peter 1:13

What I'm saying by posting this verse is that we must be a people who have minds that are controlled and guided by the Holy Spirit so that we are not blown around by whatever fearmongering comes down the pike.  We must be grounded in the Word of Christ in order to be the proper salt and light that we are called to be to the world around us (Matthew 5:13-15).  We are not to be like a chicken little screaming 'the sky is fall, the sky is falling.'  We are to be confident, bold, and sober-,minded people who say 'trust the in the Almighty for all things and he will take care of his own.'  The world is needing the light of the GOSPEL and we as Christians hold this light.  We are to be bold in this message and know that our boldness does not come from some inner self workings, but rather we are empowered by the mighty Holy Spirit of God Himself to walk out our faith and hold this light up so that all might see Jesus and glorify in him and him alone.  The answer is Jesus.  In two million years from now we as believers will be standing on the truth of God's gospel, nothing else.  So we must be ready with this now. This is what people need to hear. They need to hear the message of the  DEATH, BURIAL, AND RESURRECTION  OF CHRIST for sinful human beings.  

In a day of weak theology, we need to be grounded in the solid truth of the message of The GOSPEL of Jesus Christ.  This is the only hope we as a world have.  No government will ever be able to solve the problem of humanity.  The problem is that all of humanity is sinful.    The solution is repentance of our sins and belief in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  When human beings trust this message of truth it will forever transform their lives to bring God glory.  

We were made for days like these.  We need to walk in what we've been prepared for. 

Your life will be better if you follow this message.  I can promise you this.  


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